...that expensive teddy that you got for your baby girl on that day you went to visit them after she was born? You know the one that you quickly without any planning behind it picked out in the toy shop down at Broadway & 44th St. because you where so hung over from partying with the guys that you almost forgot that your "girlfriend" had given birth.
Well if you hadn't been so self centered showing off your new florescent yellow, $899 Bugaboo Chameleon stroller like you where some sort of superstar who the world centers around you just might have noticed that your kid was crying not because the was as you thought hungry, but because she needed a clean diaper, and she'd dropped her teddy too as you kept checking over your shoulder to see who was locking at your "trendy and rich dad" accessories. Focus on your child and not your style you jerk or leave the baby with it's mother where it belongs!
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