...the last strip of your prescribed 30capsules at $21.99 Oxazepam that you purchased for your last few bucks for down at Rogers Pharmacy on 364 Springfield Ave. out in New Jersey on Tuesday night? You know the little white ones that take the edge of your panic attacks, keep you from hitting the bottle again and soften your way too familiar bouts with depression.
What are you going to do later on tonight as your anxiety disorders with associated tension, irritability, and agitation start to make you jumpy again? You know how creepy you get without your intermediate acting benzodiazepine. Get ready for a fortnight of paranoid delusions, late night booze binges and mental screenings of suicidal scenarios before your next paycheck is delivered by Mrs. Mince at the office and you can get your wrecked self stable again by paying Mr Vallario a visit again.
1 comment:
Get out searching you old fart. This is boooring.
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