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...the last strip of your prescribed 30capsules at $21.99 Oxazepam that you purchased for your last few bucks for down at Rogers Pharmacy on 364 Springfield Ave. out in New Jersey on Tuesday night? You know the little white ones that take the edge of your panic attacks, keep you from hitting the bottle again and soften your way too familiar bouts with depression.
What are you going to do later on tonight as your anxiety disorders with associated tension, irritability, and agitation start to make you jumpy again? You know how creepy you get without your intermediate acting benzodiazepine. Get ready for a fortnight of paranoid delusions, late night booze binges and mental screenings of suicidal scenarios before your next paycheck is delivered by Mrs. Mince at the office and you can get your wrecked self stable again by paying Mr Vallario a visit again.
...that expensive teddy that you got for your baby girl on that day you went to visit them after she was born? You know the one that you quickly without any planning behind it picked out in the toy shop down at Broadway & 44th St. because you where so hung over from partying with the guys that you almost forgot that your "girlfriend" had given birth.
Well if you hadn't been so self centered showing off your new florescent yellow, $899 Bugaboo Chameleon stroller like you where some sort of superstar who the world centers around you just might have noticed that your kid was crying not because the was as you thought hungry, but because she needed a clean diaper, and she'd dropped her teddy too as you kept checking over your shoulder to see who was locking at your "trendy and rich dad" accessories. Focus on your child and not your style you jerk or leave the baby with it's mother where it belongs!

...that flat you with ease bragged about having somewhere between 34th Street and 57th Street? You know the one that you said cost you almost nothing and was so chic with it's open air solution where no neighbors could disturb you as you come and go as you wish.
Well we never expected it literally to be an open air solution under a bridge did we. But as long as the rent is dirt cheap and you keep yourself dry on those rainy nights we guess that you where telling the truth.

...that black leather jacket that you have been wearing ever since you saw M:I-2 back in 2000? You know the one that cost you almost two hundred bucks, that you thought made you look like some sort of secret agent/suave dude, and you where convinced made the chicks take a second look just in case it was Tom Cruise paying Bergen County New Jersey a visit.
Well to be honest, there's nothing Tom Cruise about you at all, the only thing that you have remotely in common is that you both are just tall enough not to be confused for leprechauns. I guess that your small size comes in handy when you try to pull of child fare on the subway doesn't it, and the only reason that the chicks might have taken a second look at you is because you look like a fucking midget in a leather trench coat. It's supposed to stop on your thigh, not below your knees you nut.